Tuesday, February 22, 2011

West Valley 9th Ward - Mutual Night

Tuesday February 22, 2011

West Valley 9th ward had their ward conference this past week. We visited their mutual night & here's the neat activity they did!

Cute Temple molds made out of toilet paper...super easy to make!!

It was a wrap-up of a lesson on Virtue a couple of weeks ago....

Each of the girls did a great job on their temple molds!!

Thanks for a super fun crafty night West Valley 9th Ward!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Granger 8th Ward - New Beginnings

Thursday February 17, 2011

Ward: Granger 8th
Event: New Beginnings
Date: 2/17/2011
Time: 7pm
Place: YW Room


Cute decorations!


The Journey...

The girls did a very nice job conducting & introducing the values. Lina (Beehive advisor & recent Laurel) explained personal progress. It was a very spiritual evening & I know Kalo Taukiuvea feels very welcomed & is extremely excited to advance to this year to young womens...She has a great group she will be joining!!

The girls...

With their wonderful leaders...

They had the different stages throughout our "journey"...

Primary Years...

Young Women Years...

Young Adult Years...

Mother Hood Years...

Grandma Years...

Yummy Refreshments after...

Ofa made these to share & pass off one of her value experiences...



To introduce Kalo to the rest of the group Taina read to us a spotlight on her. Kalo received a crown & was given a charge to wear it for the rest of the night. Taina & Sione Taukiuvea (1st counselor in bishopric) gave the closing remarks & we had some delicious refreshments..

Great job Granger 8th YW & Leaders!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Riverside Ward - New Beginnings

Ward: Riverside 2nd
Date: Wednesday February 16, 2011
Time: 6pm
Event: New Beginnings
Place: Riverside Ward Chapel (Gymnasium)
Theme: Welcome to Our Mall of Values

The Riverside Ward held their New Beginnings night!

The girls paired off and were assigned a value to display....

Each table aslo had little handouts to give the new girls...

As we went from table to table the girls over that value explained it's meaning, why we have that value & why it's so important...

The girls did such a great job with their presentations...

Their displays were equally nice!!...

The Riverside YW have a total of 6 girls coming in this year.(missing two) I know they're excited!

The YW did a great job of introducing them to the YW theme, the values, the YW moto, the class symbols, members & one antoher!!...I know they will be very comfortable when they turn 12 this year.

Thank you for a wonderful New Beginnings program Riverside 2nd Ward!